
Showing posts from June, 2021


  The problem of setting the training at a certain moment in the day is more serious than it appears to be. The choice of the period when we train depends on more factors. It’s clear from the start that we cannot consider the period of three hours after every main meal, because this interval must be allotted to digestion only. Considerable physical effort is totally unadvisable in this period (blood must not be directed to the muscles, since gastric digestion has priority). More exactly, people should train when their stomach is empty, but the level of glycemia must be constant. Considering a normal awake – asleep rhythm, there are two favorable moments when we can set fitness programs and training in general: one in the morning, between 10-12, and the other one in the afternoon, between 16-19. Current practice in most of the sports confirms these periods as best for training. Another argument for choosing one of these intervals for training is the body temperature, which now gets to i


  Scientists say that we only use 10% of our minds. Think about what I just said. We use only 10% of our minds! We are wasting the other 90%. Think of it this way….what if we only used 10% of our salary? Could we survive on 10% of our salary? No way, unless your Bill Gates. What about eating only 10% of the food we make? Wouldn’t that be a waste of food? What if we slept only 10% of 8 hours or 80 minutes a day? Could we survive? What if we had only 10% of the oxygen that was available? Could we survive? The answer to all these questions is a resounding NO! If you’re happy with using just the 10% of your brain then stop reading now. If you’re not satisfied and want to be able to use the rest of it then keep reading. Think about the greatness you can achieve by using your entire mind. There have been a number of great teachers of using the mind, such as Napoleon Hill, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Maxwell Maltz and many others. These men knew the secret to using the power of your mind and how to